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About Kundalini Yoga

Yoga for Your Awakening Journey

Many Streams of Yoga

Evolved over Many Thousands of Years in India.


Kundalini Yoga melds Tantra, Bhakti, & Hatha,  Offering Every Essential Yoga Element.

Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of


Kundalini Yoga practices gently awaken you to your True Self,

expanding your consciousness,

transforming your life!


Yoga Pose



physical postures and movement



connecting with and cleansing the mind



sacred sound for tuning the mind and body


breath-work restoring rhythm and life-force energy in the body


hand and finger positions



eye focus



body Locks


These are practiced together within specific yoga sets called Kriyas

Kriyas are one of the reasons why Kundalini Yoga is so effective.

There are many Kundalini Kriyas to experience.

Gyan Mudra

By definition, Yoga means union,

where the finite limited self and the Infinite Higher Self are reunited. 


Kundalini Yoga's technology powerfully facilitates this union,

connecting you with your inner GURU! 


Guru: Transforming darkness to light - Gu = darkness, Ru = Light


Kundalini Yoga clarifies, balances and uplifts ALL OF YOU . . .




Regardless of your
fitness, flexibility or age,
Kundalini yoga
will met you
wherever you are!

BODY Conscious

strong healthy beautiful

Kundalini Yoga is a physically beneficial practice, renewing and strengthening your physical body by balancing and energizing all the body systems, organs, and glands.  With emphasis placed upon the breath during practice, an abundance of life-force energy (prana) moves throughout your body.  


Kundalini Yoga practices boost the immune system and activate your body’s powerful innate healing system.  Your body's capacity to deeply rejuvenate and resist disease improves and a renewed vitality is experienced.  Discover your radiant self.


We practice mostly with eyes closed allowing for a greater sense of self-awareness to develop.  Your body brings its own wisdom and as you become more sensitive to it, a healthy conscious relationship with your body evolves.


Master your MIND

effective aware intuitive

Kundalini Yoga heals your mind, brain, and strengthens your nervous system.  Your natural state of peace returns as the neutral (meditative) mind is developed, a fundamental state of consciousness cultivated in Kundalini Yoga.

Chronic stress and anxiety are relieved as the autonomic nervous system comes back into balance restoring your relaxation response.  Many Kundalini Yoga practices stimulate the vagus nerve activating this parasympathetic / relaxation response. 

As Kundalini Yoga strengthens your nervous system, you become more resilient to all manner of stresses allowing you to flow with the ups and downs of life.  Mental discipline improves and inner conflicts diminish, and can ultimately be resolved as balance is restored to the hemispheres of the brain and the five tattvas (elemental building blocks, earth, water, fire, air, and ether).

The relationships between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, and the body’s glandular system are tuned up and optimized, profoundly improving health, sleep, mood, and interpersonal relationships.  Intuition develops and daily life becomes easier to navigate.  Your capacity to experience more of what life has to offer grows and grows.

Cultivate Healthy EMOTIONS

joyful  courageous  resilient

Kundalini Yoga re-calibrates your emotional system with practices that dissolve and release emotional blockages, liberating the energy that was entrapped by them.  Unresolved chronic feelings like anger, fear, grief, or despair unconsciously affect your judgement and can impair your progress in life. 


Emotional triggers are treasures however, as they show you where emotional healing is ready, and awaiting to be processed and integrated.

Experience your SOUL

infinite  peaceful  quantum

Life is far more enjoyable and meaningful when it aligns with your Soul. Kundalini Yoga gives you an experience of your soul, your highest and expanded self, the limitless and infinite part of your being.  It brings a renewed sense of life purpose, happiness, health, and holiness/wholeness.

“Yoga is the ultimate practice. It simultaneously stimulates our inner light and quiets our overactive minds. It is both energy and rest. Yin and Yang. We feel the burn and find our bliss.”


- Elise Joan -

Triangle Pose
Practicing Yoga



Kundalini Yoga is a comprehensive yoga technology integrating the Eight Limbs of Patanjali's Yoga Practice. It is accessible to anyone drawn to its practice.  it requires no initiation because YOU are your own Guru!


Kundalini Yoga efficiently delivers results quickly, in part because it brings these practices together in specific yoga sequences called Kriyas.


The Kundalini Yoga Kriya is central to every Kundalini Yoga class.  A Kriya is a set of yogic practices that synergistically impact the body, the mind, and the soul with specific predictable outcomes.  There are thousands of Kundalini Yoga Kriyas addressing all aspects of body, mind, and soul.

The Kundalini Yoga teachings are rich in their lineage, divinely inspired thousands of years ago for seekers of happiness and health.


Kundalini Energy


Kundalini Rising

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness, balancing, uplifting and healing the body, mind and spirit.  Whilst Kundalini Awakenings are not directly brought about by  and awakening the Kundalini Energy, the nerve of the Soul.


This potential energy lies dormant at the base of the spine, coiled like a sleeping snake or as defined by Kundalini, ”the curl of the lock of hair of the beloved.”

In the experience of a Kundalini Awakening, this energy uncoils and rises upward through the chakras (energy vortices), elevating your consciousness to a state of Super-consciousness.

This is experienced as a realization of one's authentic creative potential, and understanding of self in the context of the Universe.


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