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Kalyan Darshan

Kundalin Yoga · Mantra · Meditation · Astrology ·

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Sat Nam

Image by Andy Holmes

Cosmic Events

Scorpio Full Moon


Scorpio Full Moon Post Eclipse Healing Practice with Kalyan Darshan - In Person and Online

Tuesday, April 23, 2024 @ 7 pm

In-Person at A Healing Collective, Houston TX, and Online

In-person & online

Restore Your Vitality

Master Your


There is so

much more inside you.

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White Lillies

Embark on a Journey of
and Empowerment

Kundalini Yoga: Revitalize your body, activate your light body

Meditation: Refresh and Expand your Mind

Mantra: Elevate Your Frequency

Astrology: Understand yourself intimately

Cosmic Events: Collaborate with the Universe

Discover your true self,
your essence
, your potential!

Image by Galina N

Warm Greetings! Sat Nam!


Thank You for visiting!

Are you waking up and realizing you want to be the change you wish to see in the world?  Maybe your inner voice is prompting you to commence the greatest journey of your life, self-discovery!

More and more people are awakening from what feels like a deep slumber.  It comes with a calling to refresh and revitalize the body and mind.  The intuitive sense desires to embody and embrace the next phase of our collective human evolution. No, not transhumanism (well that may be for many folks), but rather activating and working with the 'organic cosmic hardware' that exists in our bodies already, lying dormant, patiently waiting for this moment. This is the new epoch for expanding into the incredible potential we each have as humans.  It includes remembering who we uniquely are, living authentically from that truth, developing our intuition and quantum capacity, cultivating love, kindness and peace, restoring our place one with nature and reconnecting with /spirit/source energy/the field.

Kundalini Yoga is a practice that will directly support you on this journey.  This specific yoga lineage emerged for this specific period as we shift into the new age of Aquarius. Each class includes yoga postures, mantra, meditation, mindfulness and breath practices that are effective for beginners and seasoned yoga practitioners. 

Join the Livestream Classes, and if you are ready to dedicate yourself for making a big life shift, email me about private sessions.  


With astrology, we can dive in deep and explore your energetic blue-print revealing and validating so much about your personality, soul's purpose, personal challenges, and relationships.  If you'd like to discuss how this can work for you, please email here!


And please experience the Cosmic Events offerings!  With practices that work with New Moons for setting intentions, Full Moons for personal revelations and healing, along with other notable high energy cosmic events.

I am so glad you found me, and I look forward to supporting your magnificent journey.

In love and gratitude,

Kalyan Darshan

Classes Meditations Events
 Ego Eradicator with Breath of Fire

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation

Conscious Breathing



Gong Bath


Spring Reset 


@ 8 - 9 am CDT


Spring Renewal

Wednesdays 7-8:30pm

Ayursol Studio


New and Full Moon Meditations.


New Moon activations to refocus and renew intentions.

Full Moon meditations for reflecting, releasing & healing.

Guided meditation journeys with gentle yoga, breathwork, for nourishing your spirit, gaining a refreshed perspective, setting intentions and recalibrating your life.


Guided Meditations

Overcome stress and anxiety, and cultivate peace and calm.

Contribute to the peace you wish to see in the world.

Subscribe for updates.


Personalized classes and meditations for you, your family, workplace, community.

Kundalini Yoga

Meridian Yin Yoga

Yoga Nidra


Sound & Energy Healing

Astrology Readings

Reach out and let me know what you seek.

Image by Chastagner Thierry



Expanding self-awareness

for understanding

and experiencing


and your life

in new ways.

Restore Energy Flow

Expand Awareness

Practice Kundalini Yoga &

Meridian Yoga Therapy

Awakening you to YOU

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